Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Book habits

I'm sure everyone has some strange book-related habits, so I thought I'd share a few of mine.

I've recently started buying books second hand from charity shops. Normally I like my books to be new so I can make them mine. But there is a certain kind of pleasure from rescuing a book left on the shelf of a charity shop and giving it a new home. My most recent purchases (THE HISTORY OF LOVE and CAT'S EYE) were both charity shop buys, and cost me the grand total of £3.50 for both - two books for roughly half the full RRP of one. So that was also pretty satisfying, given my current lack of income...

But going back to books left on shelves. If I'm ever in a bookshop where I see one of my favourite books (or worse, a charity shop where someone has given away one of my favourite books), I always have to fight the urge to buy another copy and give it a good home. For example: when I was buying THE HISTORY OF LOVE and CAT'S EYE the other day, I also saw a copy of NORWEGIAN WOOD on the shelves (film cover, bleugh), which is one of my favourite books EVER, and I really wanted to buy this copy of N.W. just because it made me sad that it wasn't wanted. But I didn't buy it, and clearly I can't start doing so, because otherwise I'll end up with tens of copies of certain books that I really love.

I also have an annoying habit of buying books that I don't really want. I've got a couple of books that I've moved over to the flat as sort of 'back-up' reads. My books aren't over there yet because I've not moved in, so they're with me in my parents' house, but there's always the risk that I'll be over at the flat for a while on my own (daytime while boyfriend's at work) and I'll run out of something to read. So I have these books there because I know I won't actively choose to read them when faced with other options. I should just give them to charity, but who knows. Maybe one day.

And then, of course, there's those books you mean to read and don't get round to. For me at the minute it's ULYSSES. I got a cheap copy last summer and have been meaning to read it for ages (even before I bought it), but am put off by its length and difficulty. However, I have progressed to the stage where I've got it down from my shelves and it's now living by my bed, so maybe soon I'll take the plunge...

Also, I always fold down page corners rather than using bookmarks. Sorry.

What are your strange book habits? And should I bother reading ULYSSES, after all?

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