Friday, 18 March 2011

Coming home

Phew. Today's been a busy day. After a frantic morning spent trying to fit clothes for an undetermined number of days into a bag, I then had a four hour train journey from Norwich (where I'm studying) to Buckinghamshire (where my family lives).

I think that journey brought my total hours spent on trains in the last week up to 15. Ish. And I've got to go into London again on Monday, but that won't be so bad as it's only an hour each way.

The plus side of all these train journeys, though, is that they give me lots of reading time. On the train back today I finished The Swimmer, which I started a couple of days ago. So hopefully I'll get a review of that up in the next couple of days. I really enjoyed it, but it made me want to cry in several parts. Which would've been fine if I'd been at home, but as it is I think I'd get some odd looks if I was sat crying over a book on a crowded train...

And the plus side of being home (aside from seeing my family and my cat) is that I can now go and raid my real bookshelf for some of the many unread books I've got here, and take them back to Norwich with me to be added to my TO READ pile. Although I should start thinking about essays and stuff soon. I've only got three-ish weeks of term left, so the pressure's on!

Review of The Swimmer to follow soon. But it's my birthday tomorrow, so it won't be then!

Happy weekend, folks!

1 comment:

  1. Happy weekend to you too! Welcome to the book blogging world, BTW. Discovered you through Lit Musings (Brenna). Can't wait to read your reviews and share bookish talk.
