Tuesday, 22 March 2011

More book wrap enthusiasm...

Thanks to a helpful comment from my boyfriend, you can now see photos of my book wrap. He bought it from a company called Loose Leaf Paper on Etsy.com.

If you're a book lover (or, as my sister affectionately calls me, a "book freak") and you travel a lot, I'd recommend one of these. A while back I lent my boyfriend a copy of Slaughterhouse 5, and it travelled around with him for so long that it now has a huge crease running down the centre of the cover. No, he hasn't been forgiven yet. But if he'd had one of these, that wouldn't have happened. Maybe I should get him one for his next birthday... (I should add that Slaughterhouse 5 is the ONLY book he's read in all of the time we've been together. Over a year and a half...)


  1. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not sure I'll ever be forgiven ={ =P

  2. It'll still be my argument-winning point for years to come... =P
